quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015

Rest-Pause Training for Maximal Growth

There are several reports that weight training may require more energy and a longer duration for recovery compared to endurance training but despite this there are surprisingly few studies published on the specific influence of high intensity resistance training on metabolismRest-pause is a training method that involves taking a short rest within a setIt has been shown to increase muscle strengthas well as muscle growthRest-Pause training may not only be good for increasing muscle mass but also good for reducing body-fat as well.  In uno studio,  researchers had two groups of well-trained liftersOne group performed a 4 insiemi di 8-12 reps of 8 diversi esercizi (machine row, panca, stampa militare, Leg Curl, leg press, estensioni tricipiti, biceps curls and sit ups.They performed all sets to failure for each exercise while resting for 2 minutes between each set of the compound exercises, e 1 minute after the isolation exercisesIn the other group they used the rest-pause method but they only performed 3 Esercizi, the bench pressmachine row and leg pressFor each exercise they used their 6 rep max and performed 6 ripetizioni, rested for 20 seconds and did as many as they couldrepeating the 20 second rests and lifting as long as they couldwhich was usually 2 o 3 moreThat was considered one setThey rested for 2.5 minutes between each setdoing 3 total sets of the leg press and two of the bench press and machine rowThe researchers said this method made it comparable to high intensity endurance training. Alla fine dello studio, the rest-pause group showed a greater increase in fat burning post-exercise at 22 hours compared to traditional trainingThe increase fat metabolism after traditional training was about 5% whilst after rest-pause training it was 23% and these data suggest an important effect on metabolism corresponding to 452 Kcal per dayThe interesting finding was that with the rest-pause program protocol with less volume and thesame load was accomplished in nearly half the time of a traditional resistance training program. Tuttavia, the post-workout resting energy expenditure was much greater with the rest-pause group. In altre parole, the group that trained rest-pause style were burning more calories at rest than those training in a traditional stylein this studyfor a full day after their final rep.  Rest-Pause training allows subjects to improve metabolism andat the same timemuscle mass and strength all of which are promoted as beneficial by many guidelines.
shutterstock_102169051Another benefit to rest-pause training is that it can improve muscle mass as well.  One of the biggest challenges to doing cross-fit is the short rest periods between sets which can leave a person completely exhausted.  Short rest periods such as rest-pause training can lead to increases in strength according to research. Ricercatori avevano 10 male weightlifters perform three sets of power cleans for six reps per set using 80% di loro per una ripetizione max, and resting three minutes between setsIn one trialthey completed all six reps in succession without any rest pause between repsIn the second trialthey did a 20-second rest-pause between each repAnd in the third trialthey did a 40-second rest-pause between every repEach protocol (no rest, 20 second rest periods, 40 second rest periodswas performed in a randomized order on different days each separated by at least 72 orario. Peak powerforceand velocity were obtained for each repetition and set. Alla fine dello studio, as expected power decreased by 15% from rep number one to rep number six when the subjects did not use rest-pause between repsWith the 20-second rest-pause between setspower decreased by only 6% from rep number one to rep number sixAnd with the 40-second rest-pause between repspower decreased by just4% from rep number one to rep number sixThe results of the study show that when the subjects used rest-pause between reps they were better able to maintain power from rep number one to rep number sixThe results demonstrate that rest-pause periods allow for the maintenance of power in the power clean during a multiple set exercise protocol and that this may have implications for improved training adaptationsThis is important for maximizing gains in power.
If you select the bench press as your exercisea rest-pause series with an emphasis on hypertrophy might look something like this:
Set 1: 250 x 8 ripetizioni
Riposo 20 secondi
Set 2: 250 x 3 ripetizioni
Riposo 20 secondi
Set 3: 250 x 2 ripetizioni
Hardee JPTriplett NTUtter ACZwetsloot KAMcbride JMEffect of interrepetition rest on power output in the power clean. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Aprile;26(4):883-9.

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